In 2024, life threw everything at me at once: welcoming our smiling third child, rebuilding strength after shoulder surgery, and taking the biggest leap of my career. After 14 years in consulting, I found myself helping build a bank from scratch, all while somehow managing to ship three passion projects in the margins of life. It was a year of pushing limits and finding new rhythms. Here's is a look back at my 2024:
What started as a few kettlebells in a spare bedroom evolved into me literally digging out a custom gym space from the side of my house with my bare hands. Over eight years, I've transformed from a commercial gym devotee to someone who built their dream training space from the ground up—quite literally. Whether you're just starting with a yoga mat or ready to break ground on your dream space, here's what I've learned along the way.
This weekend I said goodbye to one of the most remarkable women I've ever known. My grandmother wasn't just another elderly person watching the world change from the sidelines – she was actively sprinting alongside it, even at 92.
What if you could have detailed conversations with Tim Ferriss, Derek Sivers, and other mentors whenever you wanted? Using AI, I've built a system that turns the classic 'What would [person] do?' thought experiment into dynamic, actionable conversations. Here's how it works:
Here's something they don't tell you in all those productivity books: Your perfect routine is temporary. Always!
There aren't enough hours in the day! Between full-time work, family responsibilities, and even some downtime, it’s hard to imagine where you can fit in anything extra. But here is a secret..
In a world where everyone demands your time, it seems strange to actively take on more projects. But for some of us, side projects aren’t just extra work — they’re invigorating.
We love to talk about "thinking outside the box." But what about thinking inside the bin?
Today, I brought my oldest child to work. What I expected to be a routine day turned into an adventure, all thanks to her perspective.
I hadn't heard from my developer in over three weeks. My budget was dwindling. And all I had to show for a year's work was a TestFlight app that only my friends and I could use. Was this the end of my attempt to rethink app-navigation for macOS?