Microinteractions - the secret ingredient

Microinteractions - the secret ingredient

Microinteractions are moments of delightful experiences or useful feedbacks helping the user accomplishing their task. These micro-moments are what guides the users through a flow in an effective and intuitive way.

How to combine pdf files from terminal

How to combine pdf files from terminal

A quick guide for merging multiple pdfs to one in Terminal

RSS wasn’t dead

RSS wasn’t dead

My RSS-history and current RSS-solution

How to create pdf from images in Terminal

How to create pdf from images in Terminal

A quick guide for creating a pdf from multiple images in Terminal

Preparing and implementing svgs on the web

Preparing and implementing svgs on the web

A few tips for optimizing your svgs for the web

En kort (personlig) innføring i smarthus

En kort (personlig) innføring i smarthus

Holder du på å pusse opp huset? Eller kanskje du skal i gang med et nybygg? Uansett er nok smarthus én av de tusen avgjørelsene og tingene du må sette deg inn i. Her er mine erfaringer og tips om smarthus etter at vi har fullrestaurert et 40 år gammelt hus.

6 new HTML-elements (I dream of)

6 new HTML-elements (I dream of)

Ever wanted some new HTML-elements? Here are some I've been thinking about.

How to store your photos?

How to store your photos?

Let's talk about how you store your photos. Which cloud-service is best for your photo storage needs?

15 takeaways from cssconfeu 2015 that you can use today

15 takeaways from cssconfeu 2015 that you can use today

Some usefult tips that I picked up during CSS-conf

Tired of minified files when you search through your project?

Tired of minified files when you search through your project?

How to exclude files in atom/sublime-text