Summer reading list 2021

Summer reading list 2021

Summer means reading time - at least for me. If you need some tips, here are some books I have devoured and was pretty sad to finish.

Kids mode for iPhone and iPad

Kids mode for iPhone and iPad

A great tips for vacation (and frankly everyday life) is learning how Guided Access makes your life easier when kids borrow your iPhone or iPad

Why GitHub should be the app store for code

Why GitHub should be the app store for code

Where do you go to sell a t-shirt? Shopify. Where do you go to sell a pdf? Gumroad. Where do you go to sell code? GitHub?

Barkley Marathons – Where dreams go to die

Barkley Marathons – Where dreams go to die

The craziest race you've never heard of.

Note taking during user testing

Note taking during user testing

How to take notes, store quotes and see patterns during user testing.

Stacc X year in review 2020

Stacc X year in review 2020

2020 was a strange year. However we got to design and develop some exciting projects over the year. This is some of the projects we can talk about.

Why GitHub codespaces is the future!

Why GitHub codespaces is the future!

GitHub codespaces makes an instant dev environment available wherever you want. This is why codespaces is the future of development.

Iterate over a color array with help of a modulo operation

Iterate over a color array with help of a modulo operation

A quick little tip if you are using Styled Components in React and want to iterate over a color-array and make sure that you start over if you reach the bottom

7 tips for visiting Lisbon with kids

7 tips for visiting Lisbon with kids

We went to Lisbon for a week this summer with our two year old. Here are a few tips if you’re travelling to Lisbon with a toddler (a couple of them work without a child as well).

Bulder - from idea to launch in a year

Bulder - from idea to launch in a year

In the autumn of 2018, the CEO of Sparebanken Vest, announced that they would launch a new national, mobile-only bank, later known as Bulder Bank. This started a snowball of events that would involve hundreds of people. But how to get this snowball to run in the direction you want? Here are 13 concrete tips I believe played an essential part in making this a successful launch.